
Selling hope

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July 29, 2013 by the UBUNTU girl

I hate receiving mail or LinkedIn messages from people trying to sell me something! There, I said it! I used the word hate [though we are taught to use the word ‘dislike’ instead] [OR my least favourite..]

I don’t even listen to the radio, because of all the ads telling me that I NEEEEEEED to buy this car or that. And that I NEEEEEEEED insurance for when the person driving behind me is on their phone and not paying attention, and PERHAPS they bump into me. And Avbob (funeral polices) phoned me twice this week

And here I am. Trying to NOT try as hard as everybody else, to try and sell you something! Ok, it’s not a car. Or insurance. Or some policy for when it all ends. My pitch could be that it COULD be a vehicle (get it…) to give us some assurance (…) that life, as it is here, is actually not as the papers tell us…

I’m hating myself right now [I’m getting in touch with my shadow side]. The thing is, it’s bloody difficult! [challenging’!]. The whole UBUNTU journey was about letting go of control. Of the need for control. About being in the flow. About allowing things and people to happen.

And here I am. Trying to control what this little block on the Indiegogo BOOK campaign says:

27 days left
26 funders
$1550 USD
10% funded

And I don’t know how to explain the concept of crowdfunding in a better way than answering questions:
“Yes, you pay for the book now and you only get it in January 2014”
“No, you can’t add to this campaign after 24Aug 13”
“Yes, you’re welcome to make a contribution without receiving a perk!”
“Yes, it will be a LIMITED EDITION book with a max print run of 750”
“Yes, I’m open to ideas”
“This book matters!”
“*#@^!” [For goodness sakes!]

Here I am. Grinding my teeth. Feeling afraid of failing. I am getting so caught up in it all that I am forgetting the most important part of that little block on the Indiegogo campaign: the 150 families.

150 families. They don’t know one another. Yet. Well, I can tell you, if I took some stranger (who just came knocking on my door) into my home and I knew that 149 other families did the same, I’d like to get to know them. I’d like to feel a connection with a person who lives in a province 1800km away and in a home so different from mine, YET, with a heart that has the same capacity to empathise. To feel. To care. To love. To hope.

I would want that.
150 families. One heart
LinkedIn and gmail, here I am…

Please make a contribution and or share with your networks
Thanks for reading [Unedited]

Sonja Kruse
+27 72 308 8116
Twitter: @theubuntugirl
Skype: skruse2


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